Thursday, May 03, 2012

A Month Left...

By Frank

It's now officially 1 month aka 31 days left till the Comrades Marathon 2012. Time certainly flies. It was jut like yesterday when I tried to qualify myself at the Penang Bridge International Marathon last year. A month from now, I will be standing on the starting line at Pietermaritzburg in the chilling weather awaiting for the start. Yeap, as this blog gets automatically publish online, my run will also start at 11.30am Malaysian time on 3 June 2012.

Training hasn't been ideal though this has some similarity with my 84KM Sundown Ultra Marathon 2 years back. At the final 1 month till race day then, I went into panic mode and put in all the effort I could after having "rested" more than the usual and this resulted with a personal best time which I still hold till today. Probably the rest has allowed my body to heal and recover from any past fatigue and the determination to run a good run fueled me at that time. I certainly hope this will happen again though this time, I have the retail fatigue to tackle with.

It will be a case of determination and will power, and my cause of having to run for a cancer free tomorrow. Time is ticking and it's time to rev things up. I hope within this 1 month, something in me will come roaring forward. After 10 ultra marathons thus far, let my experience shine in this ultimate human race. 31 days. Every run, every step, every food and drinks I consume, let's make it count!

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